Monday, February 21, 2005

C.E.R.A.B.S "Coalition for Equal Rights Amongst Bocthie Speakers"

As all three devoted readers of this blog already know, I am a twin. My twin, Amy and I, have a very special bond, a bond unique and very different than any other relationship. As “wombmates”, we go through very “special” experiences that you, non-twin folk will never understand. I am very fortunate to have a fellow twinner in two of my classes this semester. Although, she appears to be more attached to her genetic clone than I, we have enjoyed talkin shop about being twins.
Amy and I were very brilliant for our age. We were so collectively innovative that Amy and I believed that the English language was beneath us and so we created our own language, “Botchie,” which was also the name given to our beloved Cabbage Patch Kids. Much like the movie Nell, starring Jodie Foster and Liam Neeson, from ages 2 to around age 5, we solely spoke “Botchie.” My older brother Randall, who was bilingual in both English and Botchie had to translate for my Dad, while my Mom knew some key Botchie phrases like: “Itcha dinka tcho noke getta Chig Oootan.” Roughly translated to English is: “Please eat the rest of your dinner or you won’t get a Fig Newton for dessert”
I guess what I’m getting at is that I have looked up the various languages that the United Nations recognizes and I’m sorry to say folks, but to my surprise too, Botchie was not recognized as a World language. Some may argue that Botchie is a dead or ancient language, but so is Latin, yet they still teach Latin in the schools. As a true English Language Learner from Botchie to English, I am spearheading this coalition and am searching the globe for at least…..four people to join me! Are you with us or against us?!?!?!

Written while Listening to "Darts of Pleasure" by Franz Ferdinand


Anonymous said...

This is a perfect topic for my linguistics paper on endangered languages! (no joke, I really do have to write a paper on an endangered language.)

as one of the proud three who read this blog....uh, how do you say "thank you" in botchie?

May Shelley said...

"chu elcom mela" This are Welcome my red headed cousin Carmel.
"thank you" in Botchie is "shan"
I have had a few questions on the correct pronuciation of "Botchie." Most people are prounouncing it like bocce as in the ball as in the italian sport of bowling....This is an incorrect pronunciation. There is an accent on the end of "Botchie" or phoenetically Botch-ee-a

Anonymous said...

may - you's so funnnay

Anonymous said...

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