Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Being World's Second Best Blog Isn't Too Bad

If you are the type of person that limits themselves to a given amount of internet procrastination time, then read no further. Today was my first day back from work and during my lunch break I came across an article in the New York Times about blogs. They mentioned a blog called “postsecret” where people write their deepest secrets on the back of a postcard and mail it to a given address. The blogger then posts these postcards on the site. If you are looking to procrastinate or you are just bored, I highly suggest checking out this site (of course after you read the complete archives of this amazing, thought-provoking blog)

Written While Listening to “Subterranean Homesick” by Radiohead


Anonymous said...

darn you may for distracting me further from my homework.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This blog is pretty interesting. It's 5 AM by the way! ;)