Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tom the Turkey

This morning we had a surprise waiting for us at the front of the school. His name was Tom the Turkey and he was from the local Los Altos farm. When my principal was told that Farmer Bob was going to bring Tom the Turkey to school this morning he was a bit shocked to actually find a real turkey- he was expecting Farmer Bob to be dressed as Tom the Turkey.


Shirin said...

He is so cute/grumpy/robust/handsome hahaha. I really really really hope you guys don't eat him, that would be so awful! :(

Pedraum said...

You must have had to gobble gobble together a less plan quickly eh?

Thank you! I'll be here all week...please try the vegan chili.

Unknown said...

That thing is real!? Awesome. I love the Tom the Turkey and hope he doesn't get eaten

Red Dawn said...

for reals?

The Unique Marble said...

that beautiful...