Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Kids Only Party

Yesterday the big kids (Cor-te-ney, Amy, Amelia, May Allen and myself) celebrated Sophie and Luc's (the little kids) birthday. We hit up all the Palo Alto hot spots, Pasta Question Mark and Fraiche. It was a wonderful evening of party favors, good food, and great company. The kids decided to dress up. Sophie is flared up in a Princess butterfly (?) costume and Luc was Anikan Skywalker. My personal favorite touch to Luc's costume was the Jedi braid that his mom made and clipped to his hair.


Pedraum said...

They had such a blast that night.

May said...

I was running late from work and Luc said, "She's probably late because she's getting her costume." I felt like such a failure.